

The following prerequisites are required.


If building the Spin Operator from source or contributing to the development of Spin Operator then you will require Go version v1.22.0+ to be installed on your machine. Otherwise, please ignore this section, and move to the next prerequisite.


Please also install the latest version of TinyGo

Managing Containers and Kubernetes Locally

If you’d like to run Spin Operator locally, you have the option of using Rancher Desktop or Docker Desktop, as the interface for managing containers and Kubernetes clusters directly from your workstation.

Rancher Desktop

If you choose Rancher Desktop it is recommended to install version 1.13.0 or higher. Additionally, you will need to configure it to support WebAssembly applications.

Docker Desktop

If you choose Docker Desktop it is recommended to install version 17.03 or higher. Additionally, you will need to configure it to support WebAssembly applications.


If you’d like to manage your Spin applications with kubectl, then Spin Operator requires that you have kubectl version v1.27.0+ installed.


If running/deploying your Spin application involves the use of k3d, then the Spin Operator requires that you have k3d installed and that you have access to a Kubernetes v1.27.0 cluster.


If running/deploying your Spin application involves the use of k3s or a baremetal host, then the Spin Operator requires that you have containerD installed.


If running/deploying your Spin application involves the use of Helm, then the Spin Operator requires that you have Helm installed on your system.


Please install the latest version (2.3.1 or newer) of Spin on your local machine for creating Spin Apps.


Installing Bombardier is not required to use Spin Operator. Bombardier is used in tutorials like Scaling Spin App With Horizontal Pod Autoscaling to generate load to test autoscaling.

Azure CLI

Installing Azure CLI is not required to use Spin Operator. Azure CLI is used to provision Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and necessary Azure resources as part of the Deploy Spin Operator on Azure Kubernetes Service tutorial.